Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finding the Perfect House

It's not easy deciding where to live.  So many factors...what's the neighborhood like, how far is the commute to work, are there stores nearby...and of course, is the house perfect.  I love my house.  I've been living in it for almost six years.  Finding this house was a process I won't ever forget.  You wouldn't believe how some people show their house.  One place we looked out was a complete piggery.  Stuff was everywhere.  The next house was just even worse...the woman had, in her bathroom sink, a dirty cloth she used to remove the 10 pounds of make-up she had on the night before.  Really?  Driving to see what eventually became our house we were a little worried.  It's near a college and when we turned down our street, it didn't look the best.  About halfway down the street, it started to turn nice.  Then we saw our little house.  Our eyes lit up, but we hadn't been inside yet.  By now we knew what could be behind the doors of a seemingly nice house.  Then we walked in.  This was it!!  I'd always heard that when you find the right house, just like when you find the right person to marry, you just know it.  Well, we knew it.  The house was perfect.  It had everything we said we wanted and it was immaculate.  The people who live there obviously loved the house too.  It was a seamless transaction and we couldn't be happier.  I really want to hear how you find your house.  If you're in the process of looking for one, tell me what kind of horror stories you've encountered.  I know some of you have some stories that are doozies, so let's hear 'em.  And remember, no matter how many times you walk into the wrong house, when you walk into the right house, you will know it.

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