Thursday, December 22, 2011

What Jesus wants for Christmas

Sunday, Christmas Day, someone wants to be with you.  His name is Jesus.  Jesus wants to be with you as he was with all of us on that 1st Christmas Day…when he became human, like us. That’s what Jesus wanted for Christmas.  He loved us so much that he could not bear to be separated from us or for us to be separated from him…so he became like us, not only to be with us then and now…but to take us to himself for all eternity so that where he is, we also might be. 

Because Jesus wanted to be with us for Christmas, he united himself with each of us to share with us his divinity.  He assumed our humanity so that we might become like him, not as slaves or servants, but that we could share in his life and power.  When Jesus became like us…we could become like him.

Because Jesus wanted to be with us and one of us on that 1st Christmas day, he reconciled us to each other and with God, our Father, he began a life as one of us and through his life, his teaching, his suffering, his death and resurrection…we were set free.  We were rescued.  And…all of this came about because Jesus wanted to be with us, to be one of us, on that 1st Christmas Day.

How special are we, we have been made new, whole, rich…sons and daughters of our God and Father because Jesus wanted to be with us, one of us on that 1st Christmas day.  As we approach Christmas, we should be gald…rejoice…because Jesus, who shares his life with us, who delights in us…wanted to be with us…for Christmas.

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